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    Provided by: Terra Natura Benidorm/Alicante Tourist Board

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El Castell de Guadalest

El Castell de Guadalest

El Castell de Guadalest is one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. Having a stroll through the streets of the village is a real pleasure. San José Castle, Orduña house, the bell tower and the unusual museums will attract your attention. If you like walking in the mountains, El Castell de Guadalest is the perfect place to be in contact with nature and if you are a gastronomy lover, our restaurants offer a combination of traditional dishes and the latest innovations.
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Civil War Anti-aircraft Shelters

Civil War Anti-aircraft Shelters

The objects and text explanations displayed in the different rooms intend to show visitors the historical and social context that surrounded the construction and use of these bomb shelters in Alicante during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). You can find several preserved shelters throughout Alicante: 1. Plaza de Séneca; 2. Plaza Dr. Balmis; 3. Les Cigarreres cultural centre (former Fábrica de Tabacos); 4. Castillo de San Fernando (from Calle Padre Mariana); 5. Marqués de Molins; 6. Plaza Músico Óscar Tordera Iñesta; 7. Santa Faz monastery.
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Old Town Quarter

Old Town Quarter

Back in the old town quarter, we recommend a route that includes a visit to the San Nicholas Co-cathedral dating from the 17th century. The cloisters, however, are from the 15th-century (Herrerian Renaissance style). The Town Hall building is an 18th-century Baroque building. The Santa María Basilica, a gothic structure based on the mosque from the ancient town, dates from the 14th and 16th centuries and was completed with Baroque and Rococo finishes in the 18th century.
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Archaeological Museum of Alicante — MARQ Museum

Archaeological Museum of Alicante — MARQ Museum

Created in 1932, MARQ Museum was originally located on the ground floor of the Provincial Council building on Avenida de la Estación in Alicante. In 2002 it was transferred to the former site of the San Juan de Dios Provincial Hospital. Visitors to this highly innovative and visual museum can enjoy an avant-garde approach to archaeology supported by modern audiovisual techniques. Its exhibits stretch from the Palaeolithic through to the Contemporary Modern Culture, tracing our history.
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