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Nice Côte d'Azur

Nice Côte d'Azur

Grækerne og romerne gjorde det. Det samme gjorde rige herremænd, filmstjerner, kunstnere og tusindvis af turister. De var bare på gennemrejse, men i stedet slog de sig ned i Nice og langs Rivieraen. Nogle blev der et par uger, andre blev der i måneder og år – fascineret af lyset, fortryllet af duftene og henrykt over smagen af oliven, vin og saftige grøntsager. Alt dette og en mulighed til at dyppe fødderne i et turkisblåt hav! Derudover har et Nice Nouveau udviklet sig – en moderne middelhavs metropolis med et pulserende natteliv, nye avantgarde hoteller og dristige kunstgallerier. Den mest fashionable gade, Promenade des Anglais, er Rivieraens svar på Champs-Elysées. Har du allerede købt en returbillet?
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Autumn in Antwerp

Autumn in Antwerp

Antwerp in amazing autumn colors
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Tasty Antwerp

Tasty Antwerp

The old city centre is steeped in history. You will find it in ancient building-fronts on narrow streets or in the imposing Grand-Place. The Plantin-Moretus Museum is the only museum in the world to be classified as a Unesco World Heritage site. In the shadow of the Cathedral of Our Lady, the city teems with life in intimate pubs and restaurants. The banks of the Scheldt are a great place for a breath of fresh air.
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I 60’erne var det ”Swinging London”. Tredive år senere var det ”Cool Britannia”. Og efterfølgende… er London stadig det rigtige valg! Den sprudlende kultur fortsætter hele tiden med at vokse og udvikle sig, og du kan mærke pulsen straks du lander. Og der kommer til at ske endnu mere. Takket være, at London blev valgt som værtsby for OL i 2012, vil der ske mange forandringer. Byen kommer til at genopstå i en takt, som ikke er set siden dronning Victorias dage.
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Blekinge by air

Blekinge by air

In Blekinge there are wonderful water with the sea appearing along the coast. There are powerful rivers, babbling brooks and tranquil lakes with navigable ice. We have water slides and soothing bath.||With a genuine authentic and close unexplored coastline that gives things to see and that brings joy and the feeling of being alive.||Collecting impressions in the lush archipelago which is northern Europe's nearest islands with World Heritage medal ancient cities and white sandy beaches. The feeling of sun on your skin, the taste of the food & beverage, and let themselves be captivated by the wilderness and our wonderful water.
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Have you ever had occasion to fall in love with a city? If not, Poznan will take your heart with its unique treasures, which stand dreamily watching their own reflections in the fast flowing Warta River. Here, history and tradition interweave with modernity offering you everything from bustling tourist attractions to idyllic hideaways. The city is perfect for romantic getaways. Even if you walk the cobbled streets alone, you will be swept away by the magic that has given Poznan a reputation for being Poland’s most popular small-big city.
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Bloomington Kids

Bloomington Kids

Family Fun for you and your family at Mall of America. Never have to leave because there is a Radisson Blu hotel attached to Mall of America. Fun attractions including Nickelodeon Universe, mini golf at Moose Mountain, SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium and much more!
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